Learn About Me!

Here I've chosen some pictures from what I will consider my adult life, and I've provided a little context for each so you can get to know me a little better.


As a student I was motivated by curiousity, and approached education idealistically rather than pragmatically. I studied physics, history, music theory, math, and philosophy. I was especially fond of the system science and philosophy departments at Portland State University.


When I graduated college I was worn out with abstractions and academia. I was feeling disillusioned and wanted to learn some practical skills. I had been learning to fix my car with a little help from a mechanic friend. Not sure how to use my philosophy degree, when my friend offered me a job at his little two bay shop, I jumped at the opportunity.


When covid-19 hit the shop I was working at furloughed me, I was broke and had a puppy to take care of, but I'd put away enough to get by for awhile. I sold some of my project cars and signed up for a coding bootcamp!